Anton Finds His Place in the Workforce

[Shelly, Anton, Jamey Gisler]

“The team effectively explained how they can assist me in achieving my employment goals and maintained consistent contact to provide ongoing support.” 

Anton, an 18-year-old customer in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Youth Employment, has found a new opportunity with Maxima. Despite previous assessments stating he would not be able to work, Anton’s growing confidence has allowed him to gain valuable work experience and secure a paid position!

In April, Anton and his mother, Leonie, approached Maxima feeling disappointed by the lack of progress with their previous support provider. After discussing Maxima’s Youth Employment service in detail, they made the decision to switch immediately. Leonie expressed her sense of relief, stating, “After being with another provider, I became concerned about the lack of progress or movement in Anton’s goals. I switched to Maxima for Youth Employment and he signed up for DES. The difference was night-and-day.”

Maxima consultant, Shelly, quickly got Anton started with a work experience placement at Substation33. After a short time, we were excited to offer him another opportunity to gain experience at The Gisler Pie Company. Leonie was impressed with the rapid action, noting, “Immediately Anton was given experience in different work environments.”

After approximately five weeks of work experience, Maxima’s efforts to secure paid employment for Anton have paid off. Defying previous medical reports that suggested he could not work, Anton now works Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 am to 1 pm without any additional support. He’s quickly become an integral part of the team, efficiently handling tasks.

Owner of Gisler Pie Company, John Gisler, noted “Anton has done exceptionally well. The feedback we’ve received is that he’s picking things up quickly and fitting in seamlessly with the team he works with.”

Anton has quickly adapted to his role, earning the respect of his colleagues. Anton’s mother shared her joy, “Anton’s counsellor says the confidence he is showing can be directly connected to him gaining paid employment” his mother remarked.

Anton’s previous Employee Service Assessments (ESAt) and medical reports had stated that he would not be able to work. However, Anton is thriving in his new role. He gets on well with all of the other staff, has picked up his required tasks extremely quickly, and ensures he completes his job correctly before leaving for the day.

Maxima’s next goal for Anton is to assist him in obtaining his learner’s permit through the Online Prep L test and provide travel training to empower his independence.

Our Youth Employment services are built around helping you through all stages, from preparing for employment to finding a job and keeping it long-term! click the link below, to see how we can help you.

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