Paul Finds Sanctuary in Conservation

“I get to do what I love. I can’t believe my good luck.”

Paul, a Maxima Disability Employment Services (DES) customer, found a new career path after surviving a life-altering heart attack at 45 years old. The heart attack placed him in the rare 1% of survivors, leaving him with physical and emotional challenges. Realising that his previous work as a qualified trade mechanic and plasterer was no longer feasible, Paul began his search for a new direction in life.

Paul’s journey to a new career began when he was referred to Maxima from Services Australia, following a period with another provider from 2021 to 2023. Maxima’s team approach uses discovery principles and is thorough to ensure that customers don’t need to retell their story when working with other members of the team and the process is smoother and comprehensive.

When Paul arrived at Maxima, he met with Employment Consultant Janine for his initial appointment. Recognising Paul’s need for a career that suited his new lifestyle, Janine quickly connected him with Business Development Consultant (BDC) Janelle.

Janelle asked Paul about his hobbies, exploring potential industries that could align with his interests to ensure he would enjoy his work and find it sustainable. Paul and Janelle sat down together they discussed his daily life, goals, caring responsibilities, and the barriers he faced.

It was during this conversation that Paul lit up as he talked about his passion for native Australian flora. He had been doing self-directed learning on the subject and had even been transforming his property by planting rare native plants. Hearing this, Janelle and Paul began exploring options for traineeships in conservation and ecosystem management. Paul was particularly keen on the idea of a traineeship, where he could learn on the job.

Although their first application didn’t work out, Paul’s perseverance paid off when Janelle connected with Kylie, the Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) Project Coordinator & Team Leader at Communify. Janelle and Kylie had met at the Scenic Rim Jobs Now Expo, where Janelle had been networking with potential employers for the Jimboomba caseload. Kylie mentioned that she had two open spots in the Skilling Queenslanders program for conservation and ecosystem management traineeships – a perfect fit for Paul’s aspirations.

Paul, along with another customer who had missed out on a previous traineeship, was referred to Communify, and both were accepted into the program. For Paul, this traineeship has been a game-changer. He’s been learning valuable skills like identifying weeds and native plants, managing ecosystems, and even spotting wildlife in their natural habitats. One of his most memorable moments was the day he spotted three koalas, each with their young, nestled high in the trees. “There were days I didn’t think I’d find a new path,” Paul reflects, “but when I’m out here, I know this is where I’m meant to be.”

Mark, Paul’s Employment Support Consultant at Maxima, provided weekly contact during the first four weeks of the traineeship, transitioning to fortnightly calls as Paul settled in. Mark ensures that Paul knows he can reach out to Maxima anytime he needs assistance, whether for reporting or other support. During their appointments, Mark checks in on how work is going, how Paul’s health is holding up, and if there are any concerns in his personal life that might affect his employment. Paul appreciates the ongoing support, knowing that he’s not alone on this journey.

Beyond the technical skills, the traineeship has allowed Paul to connect with a wonderfully diverse group of people, forming bonds over shared experiences and a collective love for nature. The camaraderie he’s found has been as healing as the work itself, reminding him that he’s not alone on this journey.

For Paul, this experience has been nothing short of transformative. He’s not only found a new career path but has also found his passion. In a field that brings him joy every day, Paul has discovered that sometimes, life’s most unexpected turns lead us exactly where we’re meant to be.

Maxima is a leading not-for-profit Disability Employment Services (DES) provider helping people find a job, remain in employment and build a career. Click the link below to see if you are also eligible for Maxima’s Disability Employment Services:

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