Sarah Champions Change for Her Community Through Advocacy

Following some prior experiences involving workplace bullying, Maxima customer Sarah found herself dealing with anxiety when it came to getting a new job. Maxima Employment Consultant Joel was there to help every step of the way, reassuring Sarah that it is possible for her to find her way back into the workplace.

After a few productive meetings with Joel, Sarah landed a short-term contract through a recruitment agency. Her performance was stellar, so much so that she was offered a full-time position with Synapse Australia Ltd, an organisation dedicated to empowering individuals with brain injuries.

At this point, Hayley, a Maxima Employment Support Consultant, then provided invaluable support as Sarah transitioned to her new role at Synapse Australia Ltd. Hayley’s assistance went beyond the typical – providing emotional, financial, and even transportation assistance, ensuring a smooth and stress-free transition for Sarah.

Despite her usual punctuality, an unexpected situation made Sarah run late for work, triggering her anxiety. However, Synapse Australia surprised her with how understanding they were – a stark contrast to her past experiences. This incident, along with Maxima’s consistent support, helped Sarah rebuild her confidence. She realized that a positive work environment truly exists.

Cut to today and Sarah has even become a workplace advocate, with her enthusiasm going beyond her own role.

During a recent visit to the Logan Central Library, she proudly invited Maxima to see how Synapse helps people in the community find the resources and support they need, whether for themselves or loved ones.

Sarah is now thriving at Synapse Australia and feels confident knowing she has our ongoing support whenever she needs it.

See how Maxima’s Disability Employment Services (DES) can help you find a supportive workplace, just like Sarah.
Click the link below to learn more and connect with Maxima today!

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