Career Transition Assistance
Are you over 45 and seeking employment? Are you looking to build your skills and confidence? Have you found your age to be a barrier to employment? Maxima can help!
The Career Transition Assistance (CTA) is a Workforce Australia program, delivered by Maxima designed to help mature age jobseekers aged 45 years and over. The program provides practical assistance to increase employability and competitiveness in the local job market…and its free!
Courses are delivered in-person and scheduled using a standard “block style” of training for 75 hours over a period of up to 8 weeks. Before commencement, you will be provided all required details around days and times that sessions take place.
Taking part in a CTA program will enable you to maximise your learning journey and move you closer to employment.
Am I eligible?
You can apply for CTA if you are:
Aged 45+, have not already completed a CTA course,
Participating in one of the following employment services:
- Workforce Australia Services
- Workforce Australia Services Online (including Online Base Service Participants and Online Full Service Participants), or
- Disability Employment Services (DES)
Participants do not have to be in receipt of income support to be eligible for CTA.
If you are unsure of your eligibility, get in touch below to find out more!
If you are a Workforce Australia Online participant you can self-refer to Career Transition Assistance by completing an online here, alternatively, you can call the Digital Services Contact Centre on 1800 314 677.
To learn more about Career Transition Assistance and how to register, contact Maxima on 1300 629 462 or submit an enquiry below.