Maxima NDIS Plan Management brings relief

Hope and Jodie had experienced nothing but disappointment with the NDIS before being recommended to Maxima.

Living with autism, anxiety, and depression, Hope required specific support to get the most out of her NDIS plan.

Barely hearing from their previous provider beyond initial consults, Jodie and Hope were unsure of their next move, with Hope preparing to finish school.

But since moving over to Maxima, Jodie says Hope has received more support in the last six months than in the previous four years combined!

“Maxima has been amazing, everyone involved has been great.”

“I was after a laptop for Hope, it didn’t have to be anything flash, just something to put programs on to help her with her learning.”

Working with Maxima’s NDIS Plan Management team, Jodie was able to secure support to help with the purchase of the laptop in a move that has made a world of difference to Hope’s life.

“I asked her previous provider for three years to assist with getting a laptop to put programs on and assist with her learning. But they declined and said it’s not part of her plan.”

“It’s stuff we take for granted, but without these learning programs she will forget it.”

“If it wasn’t for the laptop, I wouldn’t have been able to do that for her. The laptop also helps with her Zoom appointments. I wish we had gotten it years earlier.”

As part of her NDIS plan Hope also spends 3.5 hours per week with her Maxima Consultant Paula as required by her Youth Employment program.

Maxima NDIS Consultant Paula says these hours are a great way to help Hope expand her routine.

“We’re doing a lot of small business work with Hope. She enjoys arts and crafts and we’re looking to turn that into a business to sell to local areas.”

With the full potential of Hope’s NDIS plan now unlocked, Jodie is thankful for the help she received from so many at Maxima.

“Maxima, I’m very happy with – the NDIS I wasn’t. We didn’t have the best experience until we got to Maxima. I’m just so happy we’re getting the assistance we need now.”