Reconciliation Action Plan – Reflect

Walking Together – Reconciliation Action Plan

Our RAP Plan signifies our commitment to contribute to reconciliation.

Our plan has been jointly developed by a cross-organisational team including Maxima’s Indigenous Employment Team, Key Divisional Staff, Senior Leadership, and is championed by our CEO and fully supported by the Board. The Maxima Group and its employees are committed to pursuing goals of employment, education, training, community service and its other activities in the spirit of reconciliation.

Maxima has a dedicated Indigenous Employment Team who partner with organisations like QANTAS, Westpac, NAB, BUPA, ANZ, Australia Post, local councils and others to provide school-based and full-time traineeship opportunities and ongoing coaching and mentoring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout Australia. Across the organisation, we currently employ a total of 230 people nationwide, including 12 staff who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

In pursuit of reconciliation, Maxima has already teamed with Indigenous businesses Ochre Dawn and Nharla Photography to design and present our RAP, and capture the RAP launch event, respectively. Engaging with such wonderful organisations and suppliers demonstrates just one way Maxima supports Indigenous business owners and the rapidly evolving Indigenous business sector.

Ochre Dawn promote and support diversity in all that they do and we were glad to work with them in the development of the RAP. Ochre Dawn also facilitated the connection with Nharla Photography.

About the Artwork

Walking Together – Creating Pathways – Our Journey

Artist: Mel Agius

The beautiful artwork featured proudly on Maxima’s RAP depicts the journey that Maxima is undertaking towards reconciliation in the everyday of what we do. The artist Mel Agius is a former Maxima trainee and is currently working at one of our clients – Indigenous Land Corporation.



This symbol represents recognition of our ancestors walking our journey with us.

Choosing Pathways

This symbol represents choosing pathways to education, training and employment but always staying strong in our culture.

Bring Us Together

Our culture, our ancestors our connections to country will always be the centre of who we are, where we are from and guides our future path. Maxima offer a commitment of opportunities to different employment pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and a commitment to raise awareness and education of our history, our culture, our people. This symbol above represents bringing these two together. A pathway between two worlds in which we as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people live, to work together in providing opportunities of education, cultural awareness and recognition, training and employment.

Our Journey

This symbol represents Maxima and their journey in reconciliation working closely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

More About the Artist

Mel is an Adjahdura (commonly known as Narungga) and Ngadjuri woman from South Australia.

Mel grew up all over South Australia and Adelaide metro areas but Yorke Peninsula will always be home to her and Point Pearce is her community.

Mel’s life has taken her to many different communities – from the west coast up to APY Lands and more recently the Northern Territory.

Her art represents stories that have been passed down from her family, generation to generation. She also reflects her own personal experiences and spiritual journey in her artwork.

Maxima Certificate of Membership

We are proud members of ReconciliationWA


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