Disability Employment Services

Maxima is a leading not-for-profit Disability Employment Services (DES) provider helping people with a disability, injury or health condition prepare for work, find a job, remain in employment and build a career.  

We are your local experts in disability, injury and health condition support and we operate in over 70 locations across Australia. We value employment and understand what having a job means to you. We build our services around what you need, your goals and your strengths. Reframe what’s possible with Maxima.

What Is Disability Employment Services

Through DES, people with a disability, injury or health condition (including mental illness) are eligible to receive assistance from DES providers, like Maxima, to prepare for, find and keep a job.

DES providers are registered for-profit and not-for-profit organisations throughout Australia and provide both: 

  • Support to eligible job seekers; and 
  • Assistance to employers to enable them to meet their recruitment needs. 

What support can I access?

Within DES there are three key programs providing support to people with a disability, injury or health condition: 

  • Disability Management Service, a program for people with a disability, injury or health condition who require assistance from a DES provider but are not expected to need long-term support in the workplace; and 
  • Employment Support Service, a program for people with a permanent or chronic disability, injury or illness, who are assessed as needing longer-term ongoing support, including in the workplace, and
  • Eligible School Leaver Program, built around helping students prepare for a job and maintain employment with ongoing support.

Am I eligible?

You are eligible for Disability Employment Services (DES) if you: 

  • Have a disability, injury or health condition, including injury, mental illness, chronic and complex health conditions, physical and social disability. 
  • Receiving an income support payment, disability support pension, or are a NDIS participant.
  • Are an Australian resident aged 14 to pension age. 
  • Are at or above the minimum legal working age in your state.
  • Have a future work capacity of at least 8 to 23 hours per week.
  • Are not studying full time (unless you are an Eligible School Leaver in your last twelve months of school).

Why choose Maxima?

Maxima is a leading not-for-profit DES provider. We provide employment services for adults and teenagers with a disability, injury or health condition.

This may include people with a mental illness, and those with a physical injury.

Your Maxima Consultant will work with employers to help you get the job that you want. Maxima can also provide you with on-the-job or off-site employment support as needed.

Whether you’re looking for a full or part time job, a casual position or an apprenticeship; Maxima is here to assist you with preparing for, finding work and remaining in employment. 

Specialised Services

Eligible School Leaver Program

Are you a student transitioning from school to employment, with a significant disability which may impact your ability to work?

NDIS Youth Employment

We understand leaving school and entering the workforce or undertaking further training can be daunting. If you are a school leaver and are eligible for NDIS then we can help you develop skills to transition into employment.

NDIS Finding and Keeping a Job

People of all ages that have an employment goal listed in their plan, can access the Finding and Keeping a Job supports, to learn new skills and get ready for work.

Whip-Cracking Superstar lands her dream job

Erin, a talented farm assistant, has defied all odds and secured her dream job on Churchill Island, one of the many tourist locations managed by Phillip Island Nature Parks.

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Tracey landed a world of opportunities with Maxima’s Disability Employment Services

Tracey, a long-time Disability Employment Services (DES) customer of Maxima's, Queensland, Jimboomba office, has secured three streams of paid employment. "I tell my kids that I have three jobs now and if I can do it so can they!" Tracey proudly shared.

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Enquire today

Interested in our Disability Employment Services? Speak to our team today on 1300 629 462 or fill in the details below.

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