Jobseeker Training (Workforce Australia)

Workforce Australia Programs

Boost your job search and workplace skills by accessing free training through the Workforce Australia programs delivered by Maxima.

Our programs provide free job-seeker support and skill services designed to assist people on their road to sustainable, long-term and fulfilling employment.

Our goals are to help you develop your employability skills and connect you with local jobs and emerging industries.

Employability Skills Training

The Employability Skills Training (EST) is a Workforce Australia program, delivered by Maxima to enable you to successfully engage, build, consolidate and practice, with all 4 steps crucial to maximise your learning journey, moving you closer to employment.

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Career Transition Assistance

The Career Transition Assistance (CTA) is a Workforce Australia program, delivered by Maxima designed to help mature age jobseekers aged 45 years and over. The program provides practical assistance to increase employability and competitiveness in the local job market...and its free!

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Are you an employer looking for keen and motivated employers?

We can connect you to local jobseekers through our Employability Skills Training program.

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Register your interest

Want to know more? Contact the Maxima team today on 1300 629 462 or submit an enquiry below.